Resolution of Disputes Related to the Administration in Turkey:

Resolution of administrative disputes is a frequently encountered issue in the field of public law in Turkey. The support of an experienced and expert law firm is of great importance in resolving various disputes related to administrative proceedings and public services. As Istanbul-based Karanfiloğlu Law and Mediation, we provide you with effective and professional legal support in resolving administrative disputes. In this article, we explain the basic information and processes you need to know about resolving administrative disputes in Turkey.

Administrative Actions and Causes of Disputes
Administrative transactions are the works and transactions carried out by public administrations. During these processes, various disputes may arise between citizens and the administration. Among the main causes of disputes are unlawful transactions, delays in processing times, unfair transactions and administrative decisions.

Administrative Lawsuits
Administrative judicial processes come into play in resolving administrative disputes. Administrative judiciary is an independent and impartial judicial branch established for the resolution of administrative disputes in Turkey. By resorting to administrative litigation processes, citizens try to resolve their disputes with the administration. In these processes, there are Administrative Courts, Regional Administrative Courts and the Council of State, which evaluate the legality of administrative acts.

Administrative Lawsuit Application Process and Timelines
In the resolution of administrative disputes, it is of great importance that the applications for administrative lawsuits are duly filed. In order to apply for an administrative lawsuit, first of all, a lawsuit must be filed within 60 days from the notification date of the administrative act. Applications made during this period are evaluated by the Administrative Courts. In addition, in some cases, there are also administrative remedies against administrative actions, which must be resorted to in advance. In such cases, administrative application deadlines and procedures should also be taken into account.

The Role of the Lawyer in the Administrative Litigation Process
The role of the lawyer is of great importance in resolving administrative disputes. The lawyer ensures that the application processes are carried out duly, makes legal assessments on administrative actions and decisions, and determines an effective strategy for the resolution of disputes. In addition, the support of the lawyer in matters such as the collection of evidence, the preparation of petitions and the follow-up of court processes in administrative litigation processes is of great importance.

Results of Administrative Litigation and Settlement of Administrative Disputes
As a result of administrative litigation processes, administrative disputes can be resolved. Administrative Courts and higher judicial bodies may decide to cancel, withdraw or rectify the proceedings by evaluating the legality of the administrative actions. In this way, disputes related to the administration are resolved and the rights of citizens are protected.

Resolution of administrative disputes in Turkey is a complex and detailed process. As Karanfiloğlu Law and Mediation, we provide you with professional and effective legal support during these processes. You can contact us for the resolution of your administrative disputes and get support from the experienced and expert lawyers of our law firm.

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